01/02/2025 [Tool] Pipeshell - Named pipe shell utilizes the .NET framework abstraction for named pipes
08/31/2024 [Tool] Z-Scan - File enumeration using a Z-Score statistical measure of content-lengths
12/30/2019 [Tool] TrelloC2 - C2 PoC over the Trello API
01/11/2019 [Tool] Invoke-Apex - Powershell Post-Exploitation Toolkit
03/17/2017 [Blog] SYSTEM-level Persistence via Intel PROSet Wireless RpcRtRemote.dll Backdoor
10/15/2016 [Blog] Lindrop - A Social Engineering Vector for Linux Targets
10/03/2016 [Blog] Reverse Meterpreter Shell via Slack Client 2.2.1 - DNSAPI.dll Hijack
01/25/2016 [Blog] Privilege Escalation (SYSTEM) via Dolby's DAX2_API Service (Windows 10)
12/19/2015 [Blog] Fingerprinting Meterpreter HTTP/S Listeners DoS PoC
08/14/2015 [Blog] Sniffing Encrypted puTTY/Outlook credentials with Metasploit/NetRipper
07/26/2015 [Blog] Cracking the ROKU V2 WPA2-PSK
07/25/2015 [Blog] Factory-reset 1761 Internet-facing Roku Devices with a Few Curl Commands
04/28/2015 [Blog] Observations on the Tesla Motors Twitter Hack and Website Defacement
02/25/2015 [Blog] BaseRot - A Message Obscuration Method and Tool
12/15/2014 [Blog] DataSoft Nova Anti-reconnaissance System 13.10.0 - Stored XSS
09/12/2014 [Blog] Death By Magick Number - Fingerprinting Kippo 2014